• The Irish Jaguar and Daimler Club
  • Summer 2024

  • Issue 29
Inside this issue:

Mary Wickham
First lady of the IJDC

Club Events
The National Weekend, Bohernabreena Classic Car Show, Larry Scott Trophy

Summer 2024

Chairman's Message

Dear Members,

This is my first opportunity to greet everyone as Chairman of the IJDC. For those who don’t know me, my previous role in the club was as event’s organiser. This role has now been handed to Ian Epstein, who is doing a fine job putting together some of the finest events which will be published shortly on the WhatsApp group and the newly designed website.

The new website is now fully operational and is maintained by our webmaster Brendan McCoy. The new site has an online shop for our club merchandise which is maintained by Les Farmer. The membership subscription facility is now running smoothly and with our long-term membership secretary Rose Sunderland making sure everyone is looked after.

I would like to thank my predecessor John McEneff on a successful tenure as chairman and his wife Margaret as club secretary. Both John and Mags worked tirelessly on behalf of the club over the years and were instrumental in construction of the new website, an upsurge in outings, and in redrafting the constitution which is in the final stages. Although the couple have stepped off the committee, they remain members of the club and look forward to meeting us at future events.

Our new club secretary is Niall O’Reilly, who is no stranger to the IJDC having previously held the position of Chairman, and will be invaluable as an advisor and confidant. Steve Murdock takes up the club treasurer position—Steve’s background in banking and the investment sector is a valuable asset to the finances of the club.

Other committee members include:

  • Jerry Collins, who looks after all the fine details such as the constitution, insurance policies, etc. Jerry puts in lots of time sorting through realms of paperwork to keep us up to date with current legislation.

  • Aiden Fitzgerald, who leaves no stone unturned when given a task, and goes above and beyond for the good of the club.

  • Derek May, for keeping the minutes at our monthly meetings.

  • Joe Geoghegan for all his time and effort in putting together The Growler magazine.

The magazine is only as good as the contributions from the membership, so if you would like to feature your car, or have a story related to historic car events, Joe would be delighted to hear from you.

We look forward to meeting you at the upcoming events, and Ian Epstein is always open to hearing from members wishing to showcase an event in their locality. This system has worked well over the last few years—having local knowledge of the area is key.

Our last two events, the Wexford weekend and the National Weekend (hosted by JEC), were enthusiastically attended by our membership, and we wish to see this level of participation grow stronger. Remember, if your classic or vintage is off the road, bring your daily driver.

Tom Hudson

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